Online Journals

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Experimental Brain Research

(Full access for March 1997 - Jan 2007.)

Human Brain Mapping

(Full access for 1997-present.)

Journal of General Physiology

(Full access for 1918-Jan 2007.)

Journal of Neurophysiology

(Full access for 1997-present.)

Journal of Neuroscience

(Full access for 1981-present.)

Journal of Physiology

(Full access for 1998-present.)


(Full access for 1997-present.)

Nature Neuroscience

(Full access for 1998-present.)


(Full access for 1995-present.)


(Full access for 1995-present.)


(Full access for 2000-present.)


(Full access for 1997-present.)

Vision Research

(Current and back-issues for 12 months only)

Visual Neuroscience

(Full access for 1998-present.)


Free online journals: 

Molecular Vision

Journal of Vision

Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics:


Click on Register at the top of the page and complete the form. Make a note of your username and password for future use, as this is a special promotion. For promotional code enter: OPO Editorial Select ”Register” You will now have full access to Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. When you are logging in anew, after you have entered your username and password, under List of Journals select Subscribed Journals. You will see two journals listed. The first one is Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (access to latest issue only); the second one is Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Some recent "Open Access" articles are also available. 


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