Binocular rivalry as a detection tool for amblyopia

a pic showing a scientist holding an ipad and wearing red-green anaglyph glasses

The project aims to develop a rapid, objective vision screening tool for identifying amblyopia in preschool children using abnormal binocular rivalry dynamics. Amblyopia is a leading cause of monocular vision loss, affecting 3.3% of the US population. Early intervention before age 7 yields better outcomes, making a scalable screening test for preschoolers an unmet public health need.

We investigate abnormal binocular rivalry dynamics as a behavioral biomarker for amblyopia in adults, exploring diagnostic power in a patient sample and determining the minimum rivalry data collection duration for accurate classification.

We also tests whether reflex optokinetic nystagmus eye movements (OKN) can serve as an objective indicator of rivalry perceptual states in adults with amblyopia, potentially removing the need for subjective reports and increasing testability. This approach could lead to a cost-effective, objective tool deployable on low-cost tablets for screening millions of preschool children.