Mapping the binocular scotoma in macular degeneration

Journal Article


When the scotoma is binocular in macular degeneration (MD), it often obscures objects of interest, causing individuals to miss information. To map the binocular scotoma as precisely as current methods that map the monocular scotoma, we propose an iterative eye-tracker method. Study participants included nine individuals with MD and four age-matched controls. We measured the extent of the monocular scotomata using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope/optical coherence tomography (SLO/OCT). Then, we precisely mapped monocular and binocular scotomata with an eye tracker, while fixation was monitored. Participants responded whenever they detected briefly flashed dots, which were first presented on a coarse grid, and then at manually selected points to refine the shape and edges of the scotoma. Monocular scotomata measured in the SLO and eye tracker are highly similar, validating the eye-tracking method for scotoma mapping. Moreover, all participants used clustered fixation loci corresponding to their dominant preferred fixation locus. Critically, for individuals with binocular scotomata, the binocular map from the eye tracker was consistent with the overlap of the monocular scotoma profiles from the SLO. Thus, eye-tracker-based perimetry offers a reliable and sensitive tool for measuring both monocular and binocular scotomata, unlike the SLO/OCT that is limited to monocular viewing.


Journal of Vision





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