Y. Kim

Hou, C., Kim, Y. J., & Verghese, P. (2017). Cortical sources of vernier acuity in the human visual system: an EEG source-imaging study. Journal Of Vision, 17(6). (Original work published 2017)
Hou, C., Kim, Y. J., Lai, X. J., & Verghese, P. (2016). Degraded attentional modulation of cortical neural populations in strabismic amblyopia. Journal Of Vision, 16(3), 1–16.
Hou, C., Kim, Y. J., & Verghese, P. (2015). Cortical sources of vernier acuity: an EEG-source imaging study. Journal Of Vision, 15, 1004.
Kim, Y. J., Badler, J. B., & Heinen, S. J. (2005). Trajectory interpretation by supplementary eye field neurons during ocular baseball. Journal Of Neurophysiology, 94, 1385–1391.
Verghese, P., Kim, Y. J., & Wade, A. R. (2012). Attention selects informative neural populations in human V1. The Journal Of Neuroscience : The Official Journal Of The Society For Neuroscience, 32, 16379-90.
Kim, Y. J., & Verghese, P. (2012). The selectivity of task-dependent attention varies with surrounding context. The Journal Of Neuroscience : The Official Journal Of The Society For Neuroscience, 32, 12180-91.
Kim, Y. J., & Verghese, P. (2014). The influence of segmentation and uncertainty on target selection. Journal Of Vision, 14, 3.