M Mei

Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Learning face perception without vision: Rebound learning effect and hemispheric differences in blind and sighted. Retrieved de ECVP, Leuven
Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Is the face schema innate? Evidence from learning faces in the congenital blind. Retrieved de SfN
Likova, L. T., Mei, M., Mineff, K. N., & Nicholas, S. C. (2019). Learning face perception without vision: Rebound learning effect and hemispheric differences in congenital vs late-onset blindness. Imaging Science And Technology: Human Vision And Electronic Imaging. 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2019.12.HVEI-237 Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2019