David Whitney

Ezeana, M., Dacus, C., Whitney, D., Teng, S., & Puri, A. (2019). The spatial resolution of object discrimination across echolocation and touch. Object Perception, Visual Attention, And Visual Memory (Opam). (Original work published 2019)
Teng, S., Puri, A., & Whitney, D. (2011). Crossmodal transfer of object information in human echolocation. International Multisensory Research Conference. Fukuoka, Japan.
Teng, S., & Whitney, D. (2011). The acuity of echolocation: Spatial resolution in sighted persons compared to the performance of an expert who is blind. Journal Of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 105, 20–32.
Teng, S., Puri, A., & Whitney, D. (2012). Ultrafine spatial acuity of blind expert human echolocators. Experimental Brain Research, 216, 483–488.