Purpose: An informal gathering of clinicians/clinical researchers in low vision rehabilitation
•Discuss problem cases
•Share techniques
•Brainstorm ideas for new treatments or investigations
•Enjoy collegiality
Location: the easy chair at your house
•Hosted by Don Fletcher, Ron Cole, Gus Colenbrander, Tiffany Chan and Annemarie Rossi
•Sponsored by Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (SKERI) and CPMC Dept. of Ophthalmology
Dates: February 4th and 5th, 2022
•Friday, February 4th from 9 AM to 12 noon Pacific Time
•Saturday, February 5th from 9 AM to 12 noon Pacific Time
Who is Invited:
•Anyone actively involved in vision rehabilitation
•NOT newcomers wanting to get started (sorry – get your feet wet then join us)
Registration Fee: NONE (zero, no charge, $0.00 - what a deal!)
•Contact Don Fletcher at floridafletch@msn.com to save a spot for Friday/Saturday
Attire: Something nice enough to turn the zoom camera on
Format: Informal
•No invited speakers
•Bring a case or technique to discuss
•There is no set agenda – we will divide the time between all comers
•If time allows we can discuss and solve all the problems facing the field
Promise: We won’t always agree but we’ll have a good time as a group that has a common interest/passion.
Donald C. Fletcher MD https://www.ski.org/users/don-fletcher