Remote Research

Event Date

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 – 2:00pm to 3:30pm


Lora, Nick, Spero, Brandon, James, and the rest of the Ad Hoc Remote Research Committee


Abstract - As COVID-19 has affected normal working conditions, the need for conducting human subject experiments remotely has increased. To this end, the Ad Hoc Committee on Remote Research has been gathering information and suggestions for how to conduct research remotely across the spectrum of research areas relevant to all Smith-Kettlewell activities.


The goals of this Brown Bag are:

1. To present and discuss the results from the survey on remote research

2. To share the scope of the information developed for remote research implementations so far

3. To gather further suggestions for implementations in each relevant area of remote research

4. To encourage investigators to develop creative approaches to remote capabilities in their specific research paradigms.


The categories of remote research we are exploring best practices for are:

· Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Group (verbal, printed text, braille, online)

· Vision studies

· Visual stimulus assessment (insensitive to screen settings)

· Basic visual function tests

· Visual psychophysics (sensitive to screen settings, calibration, specialized stimuli, etc.)

· Oculomotor

· Hearing studies

· Auditory stimulus assessment

· Speech and language

· Auditory psychophysics (sensitive to audio settings)

· Haptic studies

· Behavioral tasks (may require specialized equipment)

· Manual manipulation

· Navigation/Mobility

· Rehabilitation tasks (navigation, video description)

· Training paradigms (may require specialized equipment)

· Brain imaging (remote stimulus operator)



Please bring to the meeting further suggestions for areas to be considered, and remoting problems needing to be solved.


For more information see the remote research wiki page:

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