Research in the time of COVID19

Zoom Colloquium: Date Reserved.

Event Date

Thursday, December 17th, 2020 – 2:00pm to 3:00pm


Lora Likova


Abstract: - In mid-March Chancellor Carol Christ announced that UC Berkeley would be locked-down, on- campus research would be suspended and PIs should implement plans to operate remotely “to the greatest extent possible”.  Only critical research and COVID-19 related research activities were permitted for on-campus access, reflecting only about 10% of Berkeley’s total research efforts. In late May, the campus announced a phased research recovery plan, with the following guiding principles:

  1. Protect the health and well-being of our community.
  2. Reopen gradually using a phased approach based on building and lab density, with appropriate caution, in the context of local health conditions.
  3. Consultation and flexibility for those who do not wish to return to campus to work.
  4. Adopt a process for granting access to campus research facilities that is transparent, equitable, and fair.

Research on-campus has begun to slowly ramp up, but to date, most labs are still operating remotely, and in this time of COVID-19, many have adopted creative strategies for performing remote research. 

This talk will share the UC Research Ramp Up Task Force’s efforts, methods, and state of the art, and highlight some of the strategies for remote vision research.   

Improving Zoom accessibility for people with hearing impairments 

People with hearing impairments often use lipreading and speechreading to improve speech comprehension. This approach is helpful but only works if the speaker’s face and mouth are clearly visible. For the benefit of people with hearing impairments on Zoom calls, please enable your device’s camera whenever you are speaking on Zoom, and face the camera while you speak. (Feel free to disable your camera when you aren’t speaking.) 




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