Unraveling Binocular Rivalry Dynamics for Amblyopia Detection: From Pilot Study to R21 Proposal

Adrien Chopin, Postdoctoral Researcher Ph.D.

Event Date

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Adrien Chopin, Postdoctoral Researcher Ph.D.


Unilateral amblyopia, a leading cause of childhood vision loss, demands early intervention for optimal treatment outcomes. Unfortunately, accurate screening tools specifically designed for preschoolers remain elusive. This talk explores the potential of binocular rivalry dynamics as a novel biomarker for amblyopia detection, bridging the gap between a promising pilot study and a future R21 proposal.
Pilot Study: Our initial investigation revealed distinct binocular rivalry patterns in amblyopic adults compared to controls. Amblyopic individuals exhibited fewer reversals between rivalrous images presented to each eye, with a higher prevalence of incomplete reversals suggesting disrupted binocular processing. These findings highlight the potential of rivalry dynamics as a diagnostic tool.
R21 Proposal: Building upon these initial findings, our R21 proposal aims to:
Validate and refine rivalry-based diagnostics: We will expand the study population to include more amblyopia subtypes and controls, exploring both natural viewing conditions and balanced interocular contrast presentations. Additionally, we will optimize the minimum data collection duration for accurate classification, aiming for a sub-5-minute test.
Develop an objective eye-movement measure: We will introduce optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) as an objective indicator of rivalry states, potentially eliminating the need for subjective reports, a challenge in preschoolers. By investigating signatures of abnormal rivalry dynamics through both subjective perception and objective OKN measures, we seek to establish a reliable, non-invasive method for amblyopia detection.
This combined approach holds significant promise for developing a rapid, objective vision screening tool specifically designed for preschoolers. Early detection of amblyopia may pave the way for timely intervention, ultimately improving visual outcomes and enhancing children's quality of life. https://www.ski.org/directory/adrien-chopin

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