Categorization of visual functioning requires appropriate measurement methods. Dr. Colenbrander has discussed the principles of functional assessment in several book chapters.
Measuring Vision and Vision Loss, Vol. 5, chapter 51, in Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology, (2001, updated and expanded for 2010 edition). Comprehensive overview, 96 pages, 10 MB. PDF
Low Vision Rehabilitation, Special issue of: Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, Colenbrander, Fletcher eds., 7, 2, 1994.
The Visual System. Chapter 12 in Master the AMA Guides (L. Cocchiarella, S.J. Lord, eds.), AMA Press, Chicago, 2001.
The Visual System. Chapter 36 in Disability Evaluation, 2nd edition (S.L. Demeter, G.B.J. Anderson, eds.), Mosby (Elsevier Science), St. Louis MO 63146, 2003
Towards the Development of a Classification of Vision-related Functioning – A Potential Framework – Chapter 20 in: Visual Impairment in Children Due to Damage to the Brain(Dutton GH, Bax M eds.). Mac Keith Press, London (2010).
The Functional Classification of Brain damage-related Vision Loss. August Colenbrander. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 103(2):118-123.
Vision Rehabilitation – Chapter 25 in Vaughan & Ashbury’s Clinical Ophthalmology, 18th edition, a Lange medical book (Riordan-Eva P, Cunningham ET eds.) McGraw Hill Companies Inc. (18th edition, 2011, and later).
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Presbyopia corrections: Subjective methods. Chapter 30 in Presbyopia, Origins, Effects, and Treatment (Pallikaris I, Plainis S, Charman WN eds.) Slack Inc., Thorofare, NJ, USA (2012).
Vision and Vision Rehabilitation. In: Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision (Manduchi R, Kurniawan S eds.) CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2012).
Vision Rehabilitation. With Fletcher DC, Schoessow K. In: Conn’s Current Therapy (Bope ET, Kellerman RD eds) Elsevier, Saunders, Philadelphia, USA (2015 and later).
How blind is blind? A. Colenbrander, Proceedings 2nd National Conference on Aging and Blindness,
American Foundation for the Blind, 1978, pp. 15-24.
Introducing Rehabilitation. Donald C. Fletcher, August Colenbrander, in Low Vision Rehabilitation, Caring for the Whole Person, Monograph #12, American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, 1999.
The Basic Low Vision Examination. August Colenbrander, MD. In: Low Vision and Vision Rehabilitation, Colenbrander, Fletcher eds., Ophth. Clinics of North America (1994), 7-2: 151-162.