Ender Tekin

Fusco, G. ., Tekin, E. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2016). Sign Finder Application - Technical Report.
Fusco, G. ., Tekin, E. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2016). An Appliance Display Reader for People with Visual Impairments.
Tekin, E. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2012). BLaDE: Barcode localization and decoding engine.
Tekin, E. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Simon, H. J. (2014). An Investigation into Incorporating Visual Information in Audio Processing. Computers Helping People With Special Needs, 437–440. Springer International Publishing.
Tekin, E. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2009). A Bayesian Algorithm for Reading 1D Barcodes. 2009 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2009). Presented at the 2009 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2009).
Tekin, E. ., Vásquez, D. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2013). S-K Smartphone Barcode Reader for the Blind. Journal on Technology and Persons With Disabilities, 1.
Tekin, E. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Simon, H. J. (2013). Improving speech enhancement algorithms by incorporating visual information. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134, 4237–4237.

Year of Publication


Secondary Title

Computers Helping People with Special Needs

Number of Pages


Publication Language



Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Other Numbers

PMCID: PMC4777613

Citation Key

Tekin, E. ., Coughlan, J. ., & Shen, H. . (2011). Real-time detection and reading of LED/LCD displays for visually impaired persons. Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2011 IEEE Workshop on, 491–496. IEEE.
Tekin, E. ., & Coughlan, J. . (2009). An algorithm enabling blind users to find and read barcodes. Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2009 Workshop on, 1–8. IEEE.