
University of Michigan Students Visit SKERI

SKERI hosted a group of trainees from the University of Michigan Kinesiology program. The visit was organized by Dr. Haylie Miller, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan, and funded by a generous donation by a UM Kinesiology alum.

SKERI Receives Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) grant on Blindness and Low Vision

Smith-Kettlewell is proud to announce the newly awarded Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) grant on Blindness and Low Vision. This is a five-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, establishing Smith-Kettlewell as a center promoting the independence and well-being of people with visual impairments through research and development to improve the understanding of, and provide solutions for, challenges facing the blind and low-vision community.

Preeti Verghese Awarded NEI Grant for Amblyopia

SKERI's Senior Scientist, Dr. Preeti Verghese - in collaboration with Drs Suzanne McKee of Smith-Kettlewell and Dr. Dennis Levi of Berkeley's Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science - was awarded a 5-year NIH Research Project Grant (R01) from the National Eye Institute to study the potential for residual stereopsis in those with strabismus and amblyopia.

SKERI Scientist Organizes Vestibular/ Oculomotor Meeting

SKERI Associate Scientist Natela Shanidze co-organized the Satellite Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM) 2022 Annual Meeting in Dublin, Ireland. The meeting, titled A fine balance: The neural control of eye and head movements in health versus disease, celebrated the scientific contributions of Dr. W. Michael King.

Catherine Agathos wins Best Poster Award at ISPGR

Dr. Catherine Agathos, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Eye/Head Movement Lab won a Best Poster Award in Basic Science for Postdoctoral Fellow from the International Society of Posture & Gait Research at the 2022 World Congress in Montreal, Canada.

International Higher Visual Function Question Inventory Study

The Higher Visual Function Question Inventory (HVFQI), created and validated by Dr. Arvind Chandna, researchers in the SEELAB, and Alder Hey Children's Hospital is a growing international study that is attracting participants all over the world, including Canada, Scotland, and the United Kingdom. This study is being done completely remote, with interviews being held through virtual meetings. It is being made available in numerous languages and even accommodating a text to speech option. This study is approved by our Institution Review Board (ethical approval) at Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute.