
Sign Finder

This project seeks to develop a computer vision-based system that allows a visually impaired traveler to find and read informational signs, such as signs labeling office doors, streets, restrooms and Exit signs.

Link to open source code

The Role of Selective Visual Attention in Amblyopic Suppression

Individuals with strabismus are confronted with double vision, their brain has to choose to attend to one image and ignore or suppress the other. It has been commonly suggested that a constant suppression on the non-preferred eye in strabismus is responsible for the development of amblyopia. In the current project, we study the role of top-influences of attention in amblyopic suppression and test the hypothesis that visual suppression in amblyopia may be a form of long-term attentional “neglect”.

Texture Segmentation in Human Infants and Adults with Amblyopia


This project study the neural mechanisms of texture and motion based segmentation as basic inputs to object processing. This project used frequency-domain non-linear analysis of high-density EEG recordings in human infants. We also used fMRI-informed EEG source-imaging combined with psychophysics to study texture segmentation processing and the role of attention in normal adults and in adults with amblyopia.